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MUD\WTR is a coffee alternative made with organic ingredients lauded by cultures young and old for their health and performance benefits.

With 1/7th the caffeine as a cup of coffee, you get focus, energy and immunity without the jitters, crash and dependency. Mud fuels your morning ritual in a way that would make Spartans smile and Buddha proud. 100% USDA-certified organic, non-GMO, gluten-free, kosher and vegan. Whole30 Approved®.


Youngevity is a product we are proud to work with and honored to carry. We have combined a package unique to our listeners that will not only benefit your health but also supercharge your mind, body and spirit! Check out the link below to receive a wonderful package of health products specifically designed for the hooligans at a discounted price.

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My Patriot Supply

My Patriot Supply:

Get your SUPPLY!Get your SUPPLY!

Hey Truth Hooligans man 2020 was a wild year and if 2020 has made you think about how unprepared you were and perhaps you want to stock up on supplies that will help you be better prepared for an incoming disaster from mother nature or enemies foreign or domestic. Then check out our good friends over at my My patriot supply is the trusted self-reliance supplier of all things survival and preparedness. Look, prepping isn’t crazy, not being prepared is crazy!  They offer a full line up of storable foods, everything from short term to long term food storage, to gluten free options as well as water and air purification systems! So head on over to our website and click on the affiliates page and check out with a direct link to all of their preparedness supplies. Be a truth hooligan and join the millions of Americans that have taken their safety and their families readiness to the next level by staying one step ahead of disasters at! So head on over to our website and click on the special link under the affiliates page and get prepared today!

Get your SUPPLY!Get your SUPPLY!

Dr. Cowansgarden

Dr. Cowan’s Garden:

Hey Truth Hooligans I wanna tell you about our amazing friends over at Dr. Cowan’s Garden. That’s right Thee Doctor Thomas Cowan! A practicing holistic doctor in San Francisco, who has revolutionized health with healing your body through a clean diet, and natural medicines. You may recognize him through numerous video lectures discussing many different topics concerning your health when it comes to viruses and the integrity of some tests that are being used to prop up the pharmaceutical industries mass hysteria operations. 

“He is the author of Human Heart, Cosmic Heart, published by Chelsea Green in 2016, is the primary author of The Fourfold Path to Healing, and co-author, with Sally Fallon, of The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care. He is one of the founding board members of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and he is trained and experienced in Anthroposophic medicine as well.”

Dr Cowan and his family have created a way to benefit your body by inputting clean, healthy toppings that you can add to your already existing diet. Dr. Cowan’s garden has created powerful vegetable powders that you can add to your already existing recipes or use them as seasonings. Each of these jars contain roughly 50 teaspoons, and a single teaspoon servings of Dr. Cowan’s garden powdered vegetables equates to a full serving of cooked vegetables! Parents having trouble with stubborn toddlers not wanting to finish all their vegetables? No problem, throw a teaspoon on your child’s foods and boom! A full serving of vegetables! We are excited to work with Dr. Cowan’s Garden and by clicking the link below and using your unique promo code: DRCOWANSGARDEN to receive 15% off your entire order! 

Change the way you view what you put in your body, and see how these products can change your life!

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